Sl.NoYearSeasonCropTitleDetail Of TechnologyResultNo Of Farmer InvolvedImage
1 2023-24kharifChilliAssessment of Chilli hybrids for resistance to multiple diseaseFP - Royal Bullet OFT - Arka Sanvi F1 hybrid is suitable for dual small (green and dry), plants medium tall and spreading, fruits pendent: 7–8×1–1.2 cm, firm, medium pungent green and turns red on maturity, medium wrinkled and resistant to ChLCV. The potential is 75–90 q dry chilli yield/ha (or) 250 q green chilli yield/ha. (Source: IIHR Bangalore, 2019) TO2 - Arka Tanvi F1 hybrid is suitable for dual purpose, plants tall and spreading, fruits pendent: 9–10×1–1.1 cm, firm, medium pungent, green and turns deep red on maturity, dry fruits wrinkled and tolerant to powdery mildew, RKN(root knot nematodes) and resistant to ChLCV. The potential is 75–90 q dry chilli yield/ha (or) 250 q green chilli yield/ha. Yield (q/ha) - FP - 124.3 OFT - 144.3 No. of fruits/plant - FP -102.6 OFT - 144.37 Click Download
2 2023-24kharifGreengramAssessment of IDM practices against YMV disease in GreengramFP-Spraying of Thiamethoxam@ 150gram/ha OFT - Seed treatment with Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 5g/kg seed followed by installation of yellow sticky trap (YST) 50/ha and spraying of Acetamiprid @ 0.03% twice at 30 days after sowing and after 15 days intervalYield (q/ha) - FP - 5.8 OFT - 7.6 YMV affected plant (%) - FP -18.6 OFT - 6.37 Click Download
3 2023-24kharifMaizeAssessment of different maize hybrids for rainfed up landFP - Cultivation of Maize hybrid MAHYCO-377 OFT- TO-I: Cultivation of Maize variety Kalinga Raj TO-II: Cultivation of Maize variety VNR-4226 (Assessed) Yield (q/ha) - FP - 43.4 OFT - 48.2 Cob Wt. (g/cob) - FP -124.2 OFT - 130.67 Click Download
4 2022RabiCowpeaAssessment of cowpea varieties for tolerance to mosaic virusFP : Cultivation of local variety (Sautuni) OFT - Arka MangalaYield (q/ha) - FP - 156.1 OFT - 187.3 YMV (%) - FP -23.4 OFT - 4.57 Click Download
5 2022kharifRiceAssessment of management practices against false smut disease in rice FP : Spraying of Carbendazim@1kg/ha for 2 times OFT : Seed treatment Carbendazim@2g/kg seed and application of Trifloxystrobin + Tebuconazole @200 g/ha at Boot stage& after 10 days interval Yield (q.ha) FP : 40.4 OFT - 45.6 Affected panicle (%) FP -12.4 OFT - 3.6 7 Click Download
6 2021kharifCattleAssessment of different fat sources (oil cake and bypass fat feeding ) to increase milk yield and milk fat % in case of dairy cows FP - No supplement feeding + natural edible oil feeding OFT - Bypass fat feeding @ 15-20gm/kg of milk production + 60 gm Mineral mixture/day/cow during first 3 months of lactation to compensate for negative energy balance and high mineral drain via milk.FAT (%) FP -3 OFT - 4.9 Milk Yield (Liter/Day) FP - 5 OFT - 7.67 Click Download
7 2021kharifChilliAssessment of foliar application of growth regulator in chiliFP - No application of growth regulator OFT - Spray Triacontanol @ 1.25 ml/liter at 40 60 and 80th days of planting. Yield FP - 86.71 q/ha OFT - 109.85 q/ha Fruits per Plant FP - 61.5 OFT - 88.77 Click Download
8 2021kharifRiceAssessment on pre & post-emergence herbicides in DSRTO1 - Pyrazosulfuron (0-3 days) + Bispyribac sodium @ 25 DAS TO2 - Bispyribac sodium @ 7 DAS + Ethoxysulfuron @ 21 DAS Yield (q/ha) FP - 24.6 OFT TO1 - 26.2 Weed Index (%)-17.7 TO2- - 29.1 Weed Index (%)-10.8 7 Click Download
9 2020-21kharifpaddy Straw MushroomAssessment of different chemicals for controlling competitor moulds in paddy straw mushroom FP -No chemical application OFT - Soaking of the paddy straw bundle with 1% Calcium carbonate FP - 1.1 kg/bed OFT - 1.4 kg/bed7 Click Download
10 2020-21kharifRice Assessment on pre- and post- emergence herbicides in direct seeded riceFP: Manual weeding OFT : Bispyribac Na @ 7 DAS + Ethoxysulfuron @ 21 DAS FP: WCE(%) - , Yield (q/ha) : 28.1 OFT: WCE (%) - 81.5, Yield (q/ha) : 31.67 Click Download
11 2020-21kharifRagiAssessment on performance of high yielding Ragi varieties FP : Local mandia OFT : ArjunaYield - 10.5q/ha, - No. of fingers/panicle - 5.2 Yield - 18.8q/ha, - No. of fingers/panicle - 9.2 7 Click Download
12 2019-20kharifMushroomAssessment of different chemicals for controlling competitor mould in paddy straw mushroom FP : No chemical application TO2 :soaking of the paddy straw bundle with 1% Calcium carbonate FP-Intensity of Coprinus spp. (%) - 32 OFT :Intensity of Coprinus spp. (%)-10 7 Click Download
13 2019-20RabicattleAssessment of different concentrate mixture for nutritional management in heifers FP Straw & Wheat bran OFT: Maize-50%, Wheat bran -13%, mustard oil cake- 35%, mineral mix -1%, salt -1%Avg no of service/ conception 2.0 Gain in b.wt at 1st heat (Kg) 28.0 Avg no of calving - 1.0 7 Click Download
14 2019-20kharifPoultryComparative assessment of multi-enzyme mixture and probiotics on growth of chickens in semi intensive system of rearing (Breed - Chabro)FP : No supplement feeding OFT- :Multi enzyme mixture (0.05%) added feed FP - 1.25 Body wt(Kg/6mnth) OFT - 2.05 Body wt(Kg/6mnth) 10 Click Download
15 2019-20kharifPisciculturePerformance of Amur carp in composite carp culture for enhanced fish productionFP- Mrigal as bottom feeder with stocking rate up to 30% or more OFT - Stocking ratio Catla: Rohu : Mrigal:Amurcarp:: 30:40:15:15 FP - Yield 36.3 q/ha OFT - Yield 46.1 q/ha5 Click Download
16 2019-20RabiBrinjalAssessment of performance of Brinjal varieties for bacterial wilt disease(FP): Utkal OFT - Swarna Shyamli FP - 329.14 q/ha OFT - 384.57 q/ha FP - wilt(%) -27.42 OFT - wilt(%) -4.857 Click Download
17 2019-20RabiSesamumAssessment of chemicals for control of pod borer in SesameFP :No use of pesticide OFT - spraying of Spinosad @ 165ml/ha. at the time of pod initiation & pod filling stage OFT - FP - 6.8 q/ha OFT - 8.0q/ha FP - Damaged Pod % -.0.8 OFT - Damaged Pod % -.0.37 Click Download
18 2019-20kharifYamAssessment of integrated disease management practice for collar rot/vine rot in yamFP :Spraying of Carbandazim + Mancozeb@ 1kg/ha. OFT - Tuber treatment with Carbandazim + Mancozeb @ 2gram/lt, band placement of Trichoderma 2.5 kg + 30 kg vermicompost/ha. soil drenching with Carbandazim + Mancozeb @ 1kg/haFP - 194.2 q/ha No. of rotted vines/plant - 0.9 OFT - 221.6 No. of rotted vines/plant - 0.3 7 Click Download
19 2019-20kharifRiceAssessment of BPH tolerant varieties of Rice in medium land situationFP - Cultivation of Rice var. Swarna (140-145 days) OFT - Cultivation of Rice var.Hasanta (145 days) FP - 37.4 q/ha OFT - 44.2 q/ha FP - No. of BPH/hill - 16.4, OFT - No. of BPH/hill - 07 Click Download
20 2019-20kharifRagiAssessment on performance of high yielding Ragi varieties Variety ArjunaYield - 18.4q/ha, - No. of fingers/panicle - 5.17 Click Download
21 2019-20kharifOkra Assessment of herbicides for controlling weeds in OkraPre-emergence application of pendimethalin 2lt./ha + Post- emergence application of Quizalofop ethyle @ 1 lit./haOFT - 93.42q/ha FP - 78.28 q/ha Weeds/m.sq - 23(OFT) 26(FP) 7 Click Download
22 2018-19SelectGoat kidsAssessment on farm made feed for body weight gain of kidsFarm made feed (maize-32%, GNOC-17%,Wheat barn-33%, DORB-15%, min.mix-2%, salt-1%)@ 100g/ day + grazingAvg. body wt. gain(90days) - FP - 5.9kg, RP - 7.9kg Mortality – FP- 15%, RP-20% 10 Click Download
23 2018-19RabiSesamumAssessment of chemicals for control of pod borer in Sesamum spraying of Spinosad @ 165ml/ha Yeld(q/ha) - FP- 6.8. RP - 8.2 Damaged pod % - - FP - 18.6, RP- 3.17 Click Download
24 2018-19kharifPsciculture Assessment of humic acid as a substitute for raw cow dung in community tanksApplication ofhumic acid @ 2L/ac-m/month Yeld(q/a) - FP- 25.8. RP - 30.35 Avg. body wt..(kg) - FP - 590 RP- 6607 Click Download
25 2018-19RabiHanging grain cleanerAssessment on hanging type grain cleaners with sack holder for drudgery reduction in rice Cleaning of rice by using hanging type grain cleaner Yeld(kg/hr) - FP- 59. RP - 122 Avg. WHR beats/minutes . - FP - 105 RP- 967 Click Download
26 2018-19kharifpaddy Straw MushroomAssessment of different chemicals for controlling competitor moulds in paddy straw mushroom Application of lime @ 2% during soaking of straw. Yeld(kg/bed) - FP- 1.1. RP - 1.4 Infected bed(%). - FP - 26, RP- 57 Click Download
27 2018-19SelectDual type poultryAssessment of dual type poultry breeds for higher income in backyard Var. Chabro & Kaveri Adult body weight (20th week) – FP - 1.2, RP- 2.1 & 1.8 Mortality – FP - 20%, RP- 4% & 2% 7 Click Download
28 2018-19kharifPaddy Assessment of BPH tolerant varieties of Rice ( rainfed/medium land-Rice- Greengram)Var. Hasant Yeld(q/ha) - FP- 38.8. RP - 43.2 BPH/hill. - FP - 7.3, RP- NIL7 Click Download
29 2018-19RabiOkra Assessment of herbicides for controlling weeds in OkraPre-emergence application of pendimethalin 2lt./ha + Post- emergence application of Quizalofop ethyle @ 1 lit./haield(q/ha) - FP- 78.28. RP - 93.42 weeds/m.sq. - FP - 262, RP-23 7 Click Download
30 2018-19kharifTomatoAssessment of Tomato varieties in Rice based cropping systemvar- Arka Rakshak yield - 441.71q/ha No. of fruits/plant - 417 Click Download
31 2017-18kharifPisciculture Assessment of Java Punti (Puntius gonionotus) within three species IMC culture 3-species IMC composite pisciculture with intercropping of Puntius gonionotus @ Catla:Puntius gonionotus:Rohu:Mrigal: 3:2:4:3 Avg. body wt. (kg) - 0.600 Yield - 34.25q/ha 5 Click Download
32 2017-18kharifBittergourdAssessment of ethrel application in Bitter gourd Foliar application of Ethrel @ 200 ppm at 2 & 4 leaf stage + spray of amino acids @ 2ml/lt before flowering No. of Fruits/Plant - 43.4 Yield - 125.8 q/ha7 Click Download
33 2017-18kharifTomatoAssessment of performance of Tomato var. BT-136 BT-136 Tolerant to bacterial wilt, Good keeping & transport quality , Maturity in 100- 105 days, Av. Yield = 435.45 qt. /ha No. of Fruits/Plant - 34.6 Yield - 269.1 q/ha7 Click Download
34 2017-18kharifPisciculture Assessment of production performance in polyculture system through provision of Periphytic substrate Placing substrates such as Bamboo split in 20 % of pond water area RP - 33.65q/ha & Avg. body wt. 0.620 kg FP - 28.75q/ha & Avg. body wt. 0.510 kg 5 Click Download
35 2017-18kharifpigeon peaAssessment of yield of pigeon pea varieties var. BRG-4(160days), fertilizer dose-20:40:20::NPK Kg/ha,spraying of Indoxacarb@ 200ml/ha. for pod borer RP - 10.8q/ha & No.of pods/plant-174 FP - 8.4q/ha & No.of pods/plant-98 7 Click Download
36 2017-18kharifOkraAssessment of insecticides against Okra fruit borerTO1- Spraying of Spinosad @ 150ml/ha TO1 - 95.4q/ha & damaged fruit 4.1% when at FP it is 13.5%7 Click Download
37 2017-18kharifPaddy Assessment of herbicide in paddyApplication of pre-emergence herbicide pretilachlor + bensulphuran methyl @ 10 kg/ha. within 3-5 DAT FP - 36.3 RP - 39.8 FP - Weeds/m2-3.4 WCE- 86% RP - Weeds/m2-24.4 7 Click Download
38 2016-17RabiBackyard PoultryAssessment of probiotic supplementation in poultry TO1-Local bird TO2-Probiotic @ of 1gm per 10 lit of drinking water TO3- Probiotic @ of 2gm per 10 lit of drinking water TO1- 0.7kg/4month, TO2-1.2kg/4 month, TO3- 1.5kg/4 month7 Click Download
39 2016-17kharifBackyard PoultryAssessment of backyard poultry (day old chicks reared with feeding for 1 month and proper vaccination) TO1-Local bird TO2-Rearing Vanaraja as backyard poultry TO3- Rearing of pallishree along with vaccination @ 7th,14th & 21st day for R.D, IBD & Booster TO1- 0.9kg/6month, TO2-1.6kg/6 month, TO3- 1.9kg/6 month7 Click Download
40 2016-17RabiOyster MushroomAssessment of yield potential of different pleurotous speciesTO1-Pleurotues Sajarcaju - 20 to 30 degree Centigrade TO2-Pleurotous Pulmonaries - 20 to 26 degree Centigrade TO3- Pleurotous Florida - 18 to 25 degree Centigrade TO1- 2.1kg/bag, TO2-2.3kg/bag, TO3- 2.2kg/bag7 Click Download
41 2016-17kharifPaddy straw mushroomAssessment of yield potential of high yielding strain of volvariella.volvaceaeTO1-Cultivation of paddy straw mushroom Volvariella volvaceae TO2-Cultivation of Volvariella volvaceae strain OSM11 TO3- Cultivation of Volvariella volvaceae strain OSM12 TO1- 1.1kg/bed, TO2-1.25kg/bed, TO3- 1.2kg/bed7 Click Download
42 2016-17RabipiscicultureAssessment of production performance in polyculture system through provision of periphytic substrate TO1-No use of periphytic substrate TO2-Placing substrates such as Bamboo split in 20 % of pond water area TO3- Placing substrates such as coconut leaves in 20 % of pond water areaTO1-28.45q/ha, TO2-33.95q/ha, TO3- 33.355 Click Download
43 2016-17kharifpiscicultureAssessment of java punti (puntius gonionotus) within three species IMC cultureTO1-Culture of IMC only TO2-Three species IMC composite pisciculture with intercropping of Puntius gonionotus @ Catla:puntius gonionotus Rohu:Mrigal::3:2:4:3 TO3- Three species IMC composite pisciculture with intercropping of Labeo fimbriatus @ Catla:Labeo fimbriatus:Rohu:Mrigal::3:2:4:3 TO1-28.75q/ha, TO2- 35.55q/ha, TO3- 34.25q/ha5 Click Download
44 2016-17RabiBrinjalAssessment of chemicals against red mite in brinjal(irrigated-paddy- brinjal)TO1-use of Sulphur@ 2.5 kg/ha. TO2-Spraying of fenezaquin @ 1lt./ha. TO3- Spraying of Spiromesifen@ 1lt./ha. TO1-190q/ha TO2-204q/ha TO3- 208q/ha7 Click Download
45 2016-17RabiGreengramAssessment of IDM for YMV management in GreengramT1-Local var,No use of insecticide T2-TARM-1,Spraying of Thiamethoxam @ 150gm/ ha.at 25 & 40 DAS. T3-TARM-1,Seed treatment with Imidacloprid @ 5gm/kg of seed, installation of yellow sticky traps @ 50 /ha., Application of Neem oil 1500PPM @ 1lt./ha. at 25 DAS & application of Thiomethoxam @150gram/ha.at 40DAS.TO1-3.8 TO2-4.4 TO3- 5.47 Click Download
46 2016-17RabiGreengramAssessment of weedicide in Greengram (Rainfed-Paddy-greengram)TO1-No hand Weeding, TO2-Imazethapyr @ 750 ml/ha. at 20 DAS,TO3- Quizalofop ethyl@ 1 lt. /ha. at 20 DAS TO1-3.8, TO2-4.8, TO3- 4.47 Click Download
47 2016-17kharifPaddy Assessment of fungicides for management of blast in paddyTO1 - Use of Carbendazim@ 750 gram/ha.. TO2 -Seed treatment with vitavox power(carboxyn + Thiram) @ 2 gram/kg of seed & foliar spraying of Tricyclazole @ 500 gram/ha.. TO3 - Seed treatment with vitavox power (carboxyn + Thiram)@ 2 gram/kg of seed & foliar spraying of Tebuconazole @ 500gram/ha. TO1- 35.2 TO2- 40.4q/ha TO2- 38.5q/ha7 Click Download
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